Word Hashtags

09 Jun 2019

I went to South Korea over the summer and had to write a 30 page paper about the country. By the time I had all the resources, I had no idea how I wanted to organize them. I started creating hashtags to sort my references so I could search for #teaching and get all the paragraphs that are related. This ended up being very challenging with so many references. I wanted a list of all my hash tags and the related text. I couldn’t find any solution for this, so I created one!

word example

In a couple hours, I was able to get a add-in for word working features such as:

  • hashtag highlighting
  • hashtag count
  • search bar
  • click to go to the location in word.

I think this may be limited use for most people, but it definitely saved me a ton of time, so I made the source code and the add-in available for download!


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